
The Best Time!

Hey everyone. It has been a big week for all if us this week. Full of fun and excitement. I am having the best time.

Today we had a normal school day with no interruptions. Unfortunately I have to get up at 6:00 every morning and it is not the best thing but I am sure I'll get used to it. Kilian and I walk to the bus stop where we get picked up and taken to the train station. It is a 20-30 minute trip to Bad Aibling where we only stop once to change trains. My train ride is pretty good. I mostly listen to music and try pick up some of the language that Kilian and his friends speak, it is German but it's like German with super speed added to it. Lots of them speak so fast it sounds like they are just saying random things. 

School is so good here. Apart from getting up early, and classes starting at 7:55am you get to finish at the way earlier time of 12:50pm. It is awesome. After school you can go and see things and do things and not worry about, let's say, getting your homework done in time. The classes are pretty good too. Each goes for 45 minutes and they are run very well. The teachers are good too. They are nice and explain everything clearly. My class is funny sometimes, but they all get the work done. 

The school is so big here, they actually have more than one school. The Wirtschaftsschule is part of a school precinct.  There is a grammar school which is the highest level of education and ours is in the middle of three. But this one is different to other German schools because it is a business school. Unlike us back in Bright, they learn, accounting, economics, operational economics and so on. It is a really nice school. 

My time in Germany just keeps on getting better and better. I am getting used to how the people live here and how their days pan out. I feel like it is becoming normal. 

Tonight I am going to a festival which is like the Oktoberfest but is it much smaller, less expensive and less crowded. It seems like they have a festival on everywhere week after week. Some of them go for months. On Saturday I'm going to the Oktoberfest in München. It will be very crowded and very expensive but I am looking forward to it a lot.  

I am having a great time her among these people and their culture. (Don't worry mum and dad I am coming home). 

We had a meeting with the mayor - Herr Schwaller

Walking through the Kurpark in Bad Aibling

Delicious ice-cream from the local 'Eisdiele'

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